So, as I've said in the previous post that we've emailed the founder of Creative Norfolk and he's now forwarded it on Adrian Cooke at Community Music East who should get in touch with us in the near future.
I've now been emailing some other of my 'contacts' or just people who's email address I've managed to get hold of. The first is a young freelance promotional video maker, he used to work for before recently going solo. His latest video Futures - Sal Paradise can be seen here:
We've also emailed Gary Standley who is the executive producer of BBC Radio Norfolk: Introducing show. We recently attented an event that him and his team were running which was the first ever Music Video Festival. We had a short workshop with him where we were shown many different good and bad examples of music videos and common themes that run through poorly made and clichéd
music videos. The experience was invaluable and meeting Gary was very beneficial to our music video, as he's given us lots of ideas to work on, he also gave us his email address to contact us if there was anything he could help with... so we have!

I will update you on replies and any locations that we find in the comments.