Sorry it's been so long for an update on what we've been up to, just haven't had the time to get round to writing up all we've been doing!
So basically let's start with our choice of an artist, this has been the biggest hurdle so far for us, endless amounts of different problems and so on. Originally, right before we even started the project I had contacted an Ipswich based band called Underline the Sky (see right) but shortly after agreeing with the band roughly what we wanted to do with their music video and what song we'd choose and so on... it fell through. This was partially to blame for logistical reasons, getting from Ipswich to Norwich with the intention to make a (for all they knew) amateur looking music video for 5 students wasn't economically viable. They had also made it through the finals of Live and Unsigned which means that they had to devote a lot of time to this rather than our music video - and additionally as the qualification stipulates we must have an unsigned act if these guys won they would be in the running for signing a record deal before we were done with them.
We were sad to have lost such a raw talent but we weren't hopeless (just yet... that was to come) we moved our sights onto a more local band who Harry knew personally; Rules of Romance. But once again it unfortunately fell through, there was little or no communication between us and the band and we decided it would be best for our project to find a group that were willing enough and enthusiastically enough to not make thewhole of our A-Levels feel like a chore. Enter Answers... a very local metal band. But unfortunately the band were all away at different points which made it very difficult to secure a date to film and to actually work out what the band wanted as far as a music video goes - we also later discovered because of a recent line up change they had no currently recorded material which they would like to promote with a music video.
We were down on our luck, we'd secured 3 artists and then lost them... clearly 'secured' is only secured once we've started filming.
Downtrodden I'd met with some friends and Harry for a BBQ in my garden and was talking to Harry about his gig the night before in Kings Lynn with his band And The Winner Is... and it clicked there for us, playing with his band that night was Lewis Harold Walstanholme who goes by the stage name of The Next Forever. The Next Forever is a solo acoustic act who self-released his first EP just last month. We quickly figured he might be the man for us so emailed him with this:
We've since spoken to him through various other means of which data is perishable (like MSN conversations/facebook chat) so don't have records of such conversations. However I can confirm that we WILL be using The Next Forever and information on the music and plans for the music video will be coming along in my next post!
I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end. It would have been logistically difficult with the travelling element, so at least you don't have to worry about that anymore.
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